What a difference a week makes…

We have been quiet on our blog recently as things have been crazy busy at the Holding.

We have so much to update you all with!

Firstly we are now the proud owners of 11 chickens and 4 ducks!  We have doubled our existing flock of 7 Light Sussex chickens with 4 Isa Brown Chicks.  We now also have 2 Khaki Campbell Ducklings and 2 Aylesbury x Pekin Ducklings.  All of our new birds are only 4 weeks old and are currently housed within our barn.

The ducklings are hilarious to watch and we are spending as much time as possible with them to get them used to us.  We have been offered the loan of an egg incubator and we hope to hatch our own Indian Runner ducklings soon.  We have spent the last few days studying up on the different breeds we have and how to care for them…ducks are fascinating birds.

We bought our chicks and ducklings from Craigievern Poultry (based in Drymen, Scotland) who were at the Scottish Smallholders Festival in Lanark on Saturday 23rd September 2017.

We had a great time at the Scottish Smallholders festival and gained many useful contacts.  We are now members of the Scottish Smallholders Association and gained great advice from SAC Consulting regarding funding & training opportunities available to us.

Last week we also took over @SmallholdersUK on Twitter.  This was a great experience.  We were initially apprehensive at the beginning as we feared that followers would not be interested in our story or our tweets for advice.  We were so wrong!  The smallholding twitter community is amazing and we received so many tweets filled with great hints and tips……we even found out our “cherry tree” was actually an ornamental Crab Apple Tree! Who knew that there was such a thing as #Chickenhour too!!

Our twitter takeover has encouraged us to now be more proactive with our own social media and blog.  We now realise the importance of documenting our story and sharing our experiences with others in the same position.  We are keen to share the knowledge we gain. Find us on twitter @scottishholding. 

What a difference a week make…We have so many ideas as to how we can develop and expand our Smallholding.

Exciting times ahead!

Graeme & Aimee